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Super Fine Hairline Glueless Wigs: Natural Scalp Look


Glueless human hair wigs in this collection feature lace top wigs with low-density pre-plucked hairline and small, well-bleached knots, which all together give an incredibly realistic-looking hairline. 

They are highly lightweight around the face and have long baby hairs replicating natural hair growth. My genuine HD lace is thin and transparent, blending well with all skin tones.

Human hair glueless wigs in this collection are perfect for those looking for a realistic, imperfectly natural look as we use single-drawn hair, so hair gradually getting thinner towards the ends, just like our natural hair would. All glueless lace front wigs in this collection have a believable lower density, making them perfect for a casual everyday look.

Super Fine Hairline Glueless human hair wigs collection is suitable for everyone – with complete hair loss and bio hair. All human hair glueless wigs in this collection have adjustable extra elastic bands. Secure the wig with an elastic band and enjoy a comfortable, glueless application even with complete hair loss. You can easily remove or add back the elastic band as/if needed.

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